Gluten-Free Alcohol Options & Alternatives

Many alcohols are made with gluten grains, including most beers and liquors. There are a growing number of choices for gluten-free alcohol beverages if you have celiac disease or are avoiding gluten.

The following is a blueprint for those seeking gluten-free alcohol:

  • Avoid beer unless it's specifically labeled gluten-free.
  • Wine and brandy are almost always gluten-free, but double check ingredients on fruit-flavored wine and wine cocktails since those may contain gluten. When in doubt, stick with plain wine.
  • Some people who can't consume gluten react to liquor made with gluten grains, including vodka, whiskey, bourbon, and gin. Look for liquor distilled from something other than wheat, barley, or rye. Distilled food and beverage manufacturers can label their products gluten-free, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
  • Plain rum and tequilas are gluten-free.
  • Hard cider is usually (but not always) gluten-free. Choose gluten-free-labeled ciders to be safe.
  • Mixed drinks are especially problematic because they often include gluten-containing ingredients. When in doubt, stick with mixers you know are gluten-free, such as gluten-free soda or fruit juice.

Beer, Wine, Cider, and Sake

White wine
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

As someone with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity (or as someone who's following a gluten-free diet for other health reasons), steer clear of gluten in all forms. Often, the first time this issue comes up is when someone offers you a beer. You may not be aware that the majority of beer is made from gluten grains—mainly barley but sometimes wheat and rye.

All conventional beer is off-limits.

Gluten-Free Beer

Manufacturers have begun producing a variety of gluten-free beer made from gluten-free grains such as sorghum, millet, and rice.

It's often possible to find Redbridge, a gluten-free beer made by top beer manufacturer Anheuser-Busch, in restaurants and bars (especially those featuring a gluten-free menu). Other popular gluten-free beers include Bard's, New Grist, New Planet, and Greens.

Gluten-Removed Beer

So-called "gluten-removed" beer is marketed to those who are gluten-free and includes brands such as Omission and Estrella Damm Daura. However, people following a gluten-free diet for health reasons should be wary of "gluten-removed" beers.

These are made from barley specially treated with an enzyme that breaks down—but does not remove—the gluten protein. Experts have questioned whether gluten testing on these beers is accurate and many people report unfavorable reactions.

Gluten-Free Wine

Beyond beer, plain wine is safe on a gluten-free diet. But if the wine you're considering drinking contains added flavorings, such as the fruit flavors and spices sometimes added to sweet dessert wines, be cautious and double-check the ingredients. In addition, wine coolers often contain barley malt and are not gluten-free.

Gluten-Free Hard Cider

Hard ciders like ACE Cider, Crispin Cider, and Woodchuck Cider are gluten-free. However, other beer alternatives, including malt beverages, hard lemonade, and energy drinks, contain barley malt and are not gluten-free.

Gluten-Free Sake

Sake can be problematic. Even though it's made from rice (a gluten-free grain), it can contain traces of barley. Additionally, some manufacturers add a small amount of alcohol distilled from gluten grains to their sake recipes. If you want to try sake, go slowly, and look for one labeled junmai or junmai-shu, which means it's made from pure rice.

Gluten-Free Rum and Tequila

Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Generally speaking, you can consume rum safely if following a gluten-free diet. In almost every instance, rum is gluten-free. The few exceptions include some flavored and spiced rums. If you enjoy flavored rums, contact the manufacturer to determine if a particular product is gluten-free.

While pure rum is gluten-free, beware of pre-made mixes meant to be used with rum, such as those intended for piña coladas, as some contain gluten ingredients. Again, contact the manufacturer if you're in doubt or make your piña coladas from scratch using coconut cream and pineapple.

Tequila made traditionally—from the blue agave plant—is naturally gluten-free. However, some cheaper brands are considered "mixto" or not entirely from the blue agave plant. There's a small possibility that these could contain gluten. You'll need to contact the manufacturer to ask.

"Mixto" tequila obtains at least 51% of its sugar from the blue agave plant but can get the other 49% from other fructose and glucose sources.

It's unlikely a tequila manufacturer would use a gluten ingredient, but if you want to exercise caution, stick with traditional 100% blue agave tequila. Yes, it's more expensive, but it's better to be safe than sorry for your health.

If the tequila bottle does not state "100 percent agave," it's mixto. Mixto tequilas won't be labeled "mixto," they'll say "tequila." There are more mixto tequila brands on the shelves than 100% blue agave, so begin your search by looking at top-shelf tequilas.

Grain Alcohol

Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Lots of different types of hard liquor, including vodka, bourbon, gin, and whiskey, are made by distilling gluten grains. Although many authorities contend that alcoholic beverage distillation removes all of the gluten protein molecules that are responsible for bad gluten reactions, some people get sick from distilled gluten grain-based alcohol. Proceed with caution until you know whether you're among those who react.

Here's what experts say about drinking alcohol distilled from gluten grains when you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity:

  • The National Celiac Association writes, "Distilled alcohol, even if it is made from a gluten-containing grain, such as wheat, rye, or barley, is considered gluten-free. This is because if an alcohol is distilled, proteins from the starting materials that provided the starch or sugar are removed in the distillation process."

Distilled Alcohol

In truth, no study has considered whether people with celiac and gluten sensitivity can safely enjoy alcoholic beverages distilled from gluten grains without damage. A few people with gluten sensitivity have reported issues with gin, whiskey, and gluten-grain-based vodkas, while others have not.

Theoretically, distillation (if done properly) should remove all gluten. However, not all makers of alcoholic beverages distill enough times to purify their beverages completely. In addition, some add a little of the grain "mash" (which does contain gluten) after distillation to improve color and flavor. And there's always the possibility of cross-contamination from gluten grains in the manufacturing facility.

There is speculation that tiny fragments of the gluten protein survive distillation—even when it's done properly—and that the immune systems of those who are especially sensitive to gluten can detect those fragments and react.

It's also possible there's something in the grain beyond gluten protein surviving distillation and causing a reaction in sensitive people.

Regardless of expert opinions on the safety of gluten-grain-based alcohol products, some have anecdotally reported serious gluten symptoms after drinking. Still, no studies show spirits that are distilled cause severe reactions. All that being said, if you're newly diagnosed, proceed cautiously to determine if you can tolerate alcoholic drinks distilled from gluten grains. Don't drink much initially and watch for symptoms.

One symptom reported frequently is extremely fast intoxication and then a hangover that seems wildly out of proportion to the amount of alcohol you've consumed. In other words, if you get roaring drunk from one gluten-grain-based drink and the next day have the worst hangover you can remember, you may not be able to tolerate gluten-grain-based alcohol.

Alternatives to Gluten-Grain-Based Alcohol

Again, gluten grains are most often used to produce vodka, whiskey, bourbon, rye, and gin. So, you'll need to avoid drinks made with all of these liquors unless you know the liquor wasn't made from wheat, barley, or rye. Fortunately, manufacturers have stepped up in recent years to offer a wide variety of alcohol—including vodka, whiskey, and gin—that aren't made from gluten grains:

  • Gluten-free vodka options made from potatoes, grapes, sugarcane, and corn. Popular brands include Chopin, Tito's, and Luksusowa.
  • Gin most often is made from a combination of ingredients, including gluten grains. Gluten-free options are difficult to find. Try searching for Cold River Gin, Monopolowa Dry Gin, or Schramm Organic Gin, all made solely from potatoes.
  • Almost all whiskey is made from barley, but there is a brand made from sorghum in a gluten-free facility—Queen Jennie Whiskey from Old Sugar Distillery in Madison, Wis.
  • Bourbon is equally problematic for those who react to alcohol distilled from gluten grains. If you can find it, try Hudson Baby Bourbon, made from 100% corn.

Mixed Drinks and Liqueurs

Unfortunately, many types of liqueur contain gluten-grain-based alcohol, meaning many mixed drinks are off-limits unless you can find gluten-free alternatives. In fact, most popular cordials and liqueurs, such as Godiva Chocolate Liqueur, are made with gluten ingredients and distilled grain alcohol made from wheat or barley.

The website for coffee-flavored liqueur Kahlua states, "The processes of distillation should eliminate cereal proteins from distilled spirit drinks and therefore distilled drinks are acceptable for a gluten-free diet. We do not add any known gluten ingredients in Kahlua Original or the Kahlua flavors." Baileys Original Irish Cream has this official statement on its website: "Baileys is produced with ingredients that do not contain gluten; however, we cannot guarantee that the product is gluten-free."

Drambuie is made from gluten-grain-based scotch whiskey plus honey and is considered gluten-free by the manufacturer. Even fruit-flavored liqueurs and other products often include "neutral" alcohol distilled from gluten grains (generally wheat).

Cointreau, an orange liqueur, is an exception to this rule. It's made by distilling orange peels. Grand Marnier, another orange-flavored liqueur crafted from brandy and cognac, is also a gluten-free alternative. Vodka-based cocktails may also be a safe bet since most bars feature at least one potato-based vodka. Just make sure that any mixers used are also gluten-free.

17 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Celiac Disease Foundation. Gluten-free foods.

  2. Beyond Celiac. Is brandy gluten-free?

  3. Federal Register. Food labeling; gluten-free labeling of fermented or hydrolyzed foods.

  4. Beyond Celiac. Is liquor gluten-free?

  5. Gluten-Free Living. Does beer contain gluten?

  6. Gluten-Free Watchdog. Is barley-based “gluten-removed” beer safe for people with celiac disease?

  7. Gluten Intolerance Group. Is wine gluten-free...or not?

  8. Beyond Celiac. Is sake gluten-free?

  9. Montanya Distillers. Setting the record straight on gluten in spirits.

  10. National Celiac Association. Is alcohol made from grain safe for celiacs?

  11. Beyond Celiac. Is tequila gluten-free?

  12. Scientific American. Should vodka be marketed as gluten free?

  13. Godiva. Frequently asked questions.

  14. Kahlua. Frequently asked questions.

  15. Baileys. FAQs.

  16. St. Austell Family Group. Drambuie.

  17. Which liqueurs are gluten-free?

Jane Anderson

By Jane Anderson
Jane Anderson is a medical journalist and an expert in celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and the gluten-free diet.